Miss Moneypenny rocks insureNXT


Anna Bojíc


April 30, 2023

Returning to insureNXT

If there's one thing we've learned in the last year, it's that insureNXT is a must for us! So in addition to Marc and me (founder duty), a part of our team was also at the start this year — and this time with our own stand.

Miss Moneypenny-Style

What is a startup year without a new t-shirt? This year we rocked in light blue, and yes, we're all a bit in love with it. 😊 With our positive energy and stand, we've definitely turned a few heads around and caused a lot of attention.

One highlight after another

What a kick-off! Quite unexpectedly, Norbert Rollinger from R+V gave us a shoutout in his opening speech and as if our former Insurlab mentors had agreed with each other, Rheinland Insurance companies also gave us a particularly prominent place in their contributions.

In the “green igloo”, Alina Eikerman and Petra Fischer presented our survey token panels. It was indescribable to see our work being recognized in the industry.

Anna with Petra and Alina are so happy about their project

And of course Daniel Lucas' surprising mention of our insurance cards was a particularly nice icing on the cake!

Daniel explains how our wallet passes fit into RheinLand's communication strategy.

“So good to see you”

Between all the successes and the business, there was of course also time to celebrate and network. The insurance industry may seem slow and dusty from outside (I had the bias too), but events like insureNXT in particular attract an innovative and inspiring group of people - I am very grateful to be part of this network.

My friends and mentors Sabine Vanderlinden and
Magdalena Ramada Sarasola

prices? Always bring it in!

To make matters worse, we also received the “Collaboration Champion Competition” prize for our innovation with Skendata. And not digitally, but in real life! To touch! 😆🤗

Sven, Anna and Marc - are as happy as little honeyhorses

In sum!

insureNXT was once again a great success and great fun with lots of positive surprises!

Until next year, insureNXT! 🎉

We'll be back!